Factory Trained & Certified Technicians
Allstrap has factory certified strapping tool repair technicians who are well trained in handling respective brand tools. The company has specialized technicians who are Fromm, Orgapack, Golden Bear and Signode Certified for handling all types of problems associated with the tools.
Fully Equipped Tools Repair
Allstrap uses the most advanced and most effective diagnostic and repair tools for all types of Battery Tools and pneumatic tools. The company also stocks one of the widest and largest replacement parts inventory in the United States.
All normal tool repair orders are accepted with a 1-week-return period, which can however vary depending on the complication of the problem. Each tool is fixed right the very first time. As already mentioned, tools from all the major brands are repaired by Fromm Certified and other brand-certified technicians.
Get the Best Repair Experience
You have chosen a strapping tool brand for best experience, and the tool repair service at Allstrap also gives you the best experience in terms of repairs quality, customer service, costs, and parts quality. The company ensures that your tool will continue running efficiently.
All strapping tensioners, Sealers and combination tools received for repair are evaluated for the type and degree of repair and the estimated costs. All tools are repaired after getting a work order. If any tool is in an excessively bad shape, you will have the option to upgrade by choosing the most advanced tools from the same or other brand
All strapping tool repairs provided are covered under warranty. Allstrap is Fromm, Golden Bear, Signode and Orgapack Certified and authorized to provide warranty for their leading tool repairs. All warranty repairs are covered without any additional costs.
The company makes the promise of meeting and exceeding customer expectations. All tool repair costs are designed to ensure that they don’t cross a certain percentage of the tool’s price. The company has a policy of contacting clients in case the costs exceed the estimates. Whether it is repairing your tool, upgrading, buying new tools or parts replacements, this Golden Bear Certified company offers superior services.